
GVN Quick Review - Echo Of Souls(PC)

Echo Of Soul
Publisher: Aeria Games
Developer: Nvius

Echo of Soul is the latest Korean Free-to-Play MMO to be brought stateside by Aeria Games.  Most people tend to avoid anything published by Aeria Games but would be a huge mistake.  Echo of Soul is probably one of the better Free-to-play games that will probably get swept under the rug.  There's actually quite a bit going for it that outweigh its shortcomings.


GVN Review: Batman Arkham Knight

Batman: Arkham Knight
XboxOne, PS4, and PC
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Developer: Rocksteady Studios
Release Date: June 23, 2015


Update on TheProtector!

Hello everybody,

It has been a while since I have posted anything on the site and I just wanted to give an update on why and what I have plans for in the future for my GVN posts.  First off the main reason I haven't been posting much is because I am back in school finishing up my bachelors degree.  A lot of my focus has been on school and completing my classwork.  I have been able to finally find a balance between work and play so I have finally had time to play some video games.