GVN Review: Max Payne 3

Remedy had a hit on their hands when they created Max Payne back in 2001. They refined that experience with the sequel in 2003, which is still beloved by fans. When it was revealed that one of Rockstar’s internal studios would be developing Max Payne 3 instead of Remedy, fans had concerns whether it would still feel like a Max Payne game. Does Rockstar Games have what it takes to keep Max Payne alive, or are extra painkillers needed in the latest game?
GVN Review: Sonic 4 Episode 2

When Sonic 4 Episode 1 was released back in 2010, it aimed to bring Sega’s mascot back to his 2D roots that fans wished for. What fans got was a Sonic that that felt off; mostly the physics of Sonic himself was off. Combine that with levels that were moderately fun resulted in a game that was enjoyable, but did not quite capture the essence of what made a great Sonic game. With the development and release of Sonic 4 Episode 2, Sega and Dimps try to address the fans’ issues. Did they succeed, or does Sonic trip over his red sneakers?
GVN Radio episode 23!
Video ---> http://www.twitch.tv/thegvn/b/318565293
MP3 ---> http://archive.org/download/GvnRadioEpisode23/gvnradio20120517.mp3
GVN Review: Warhammer 40K Space Marine

Warhammer 40,000 holds its origins in a tabletop miniature game with a moderately deep fictional universe as its setting. Throughout the years, this universe has been captured by various video games. Yet, very few if any of them allowed players to directly be one of the super-human space marines. Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine is one of the first that let players be one of the famed Ultramarines in the Warhammer universe. Is being a space marine all that it is cracked up to be?
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown drops June 5th
Source: SRK - Sega reveals VF5FS release date
This week on GVN Radio Live
GVN Review: Mass Effect 3 (PC)
Here's a video review of Mass Effect 3 for the PC. Obviously it's not a perfect video but will be used as a template for future video reviews on this site.
Review: Atelier Meruru (PS3)
"Atelier Meruru is a real difficult game for me to describe. On one hand you have an RPG where you, as Princess Meruru, are trying to expand her kingdom and prepare it for the merger with another kingdom. Then there’s the kingdom expansion that is reminiscent of a town growth simulator. On top of all of that, you have an alchemy system that the game completely revolves around. I’ve never really experienced a more robust system inside a role playing game before, and I was definitely interested in trying something new."
GVN Review: Max Payne 2 - The Fall of Max Payne

With the critical and commercial success of the original Max Payne, Remedy had some big shoes to fill. Everyone clamored for another game, and with how loved the original game was, expectations were set high. Two years later in 2003, Remedy obliged with the release of Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne. Did Max Payne 2 live up to the expectations and hype established by its predecessor, or did it truly fall in slow motion?
GVN Radio Live episode 22
Watch live video from Gaming Vision Network on TwitchTV
Upcoming game reviews.
Mass Effect 3 video review
Legend of Grimrock video review
Xenoblade review
Blades of Time review
I will hopefully have ME3 cranked out by this weekend. I will also have a review out next week for Atelier Meruru for Diehard Gamefan. So stay tuned, we have lots of exciting things happeneing at GVN.
GVN Review: Max Payne

When Max Payne was released in 2001, it was critically acclaimed for its gunplay and its unique story presentation. The gunplay was largely inspired by John Woo films, and it introduced some game play ideas that have largely influenced other shooters that have been created since. With the impending release of Max Payne 3 for the current generation of consoles and PC, we are here to see how the original game holds up a decade later. Does the gunplay of Max Payne still remain fun, or has time not been kind to this classic?