Two new tournament announcements!
Whats coming up on GVN.
Now thanks to Eric, the date(Feb 27th) for the next GVN Winter Brawl is out. GVN WB 4 will be held once again at the beautiful Sheraton Suites Hotel in Philadelphia, Pa. I will post all information regarding this tournament as well as the January Grand Master Monthly within the next couple of weeks.
NEC X made history!
Here is the link to the SRK results page.
NEC X Results
NEC is only days away.
November Grand Master Monthly results
If you want to watch the entire stream click the link below.
SF4: 39 people
1: Dr.Chaos
2: Demon Hyo
3: Skye
4: Philly One
5: Pete68
5: Julian
7: fecal penace
7: NinjaCw
9: Kazi
9: Kattermari
9: Vince
9: Jutt
13: Sir Kanchi
13: Mike
13: The Strangla
13: MagnetoX
17: Ninja Zephyr
17: Rick
17: Phatal PHD
17: Pandaman 64
17: Hubbs
17: Spectrum
17: Ren
17: OmegaNitro
25: J.D.
25: Nas
25: Kalick
25: Cronux
25: Justin
25: Dave D.
25: John
25: Tyrant
33: Nick Nasty
33: Program
33: Reaper
33: Tone
49: GFX
49: Fran Hackett
49: Kirk
Tekken 6 results: 16 people
1. Chris
2. Pete68
3. NinjaCW
4. Julian
5. Nas
5. Bryheem
7. Kalick
7. Evil
9. Hubbs
9. Philly-One
9. Escaping Jail
9. Damian
13. Dr. Chaos
13. Brandon
13. Nick Nasty
13. Cobra
BlazBlue: 12 people
1. Lord Knight
2. Escaping Jail
3. Nas
4. Rouge Yoshi
5. NinjaCW
5. Tyrant
7. StickBug
7. Fecal Panace
9. Nick Nasty
9. Philly One
9 Hubbs
9. Cobra
Props are due.
John Cosentino Officla Site
GVN's Guide to Importing
So you want to import videogames from other countries but don’t know how. But you have no idea how to get a hold of them. Well, my friend it’s much easier than you think. But there are some things to consider. Where are you going to buy them? How much can I get them for? Are there enough copies available? Can I get them cheaper somewhere else? And most importantly, how am I going to play it on my “region specific” system? Fear not, these are easy to answer.
But first, what game do you want? You have to be very specific when finding the game you want. Why? Well, when it comes to importing, some Japanese games have some really long names. For instance, I have a game called “Asuka Gaiden” for the Dreamcast, but it’s full name is “Fushigi no Dungeon Furai no Asuka Gaiden.” Crazy isn’t it? Finding the game you want can be difficult you do not know its full name. So do a little research before you go hunting at an online import specialty store. By the way, that is next thing on the agenda, which is where to get your games.
NorthEast Championship 10 NEC X
10 Year Anniversary
LOCATION: Sheration Suites .... 4101 Island ave Ave, Philadelphia, PA .... 215-.... located in the SouthWest- Philadelphia area ... 1/2 miles from the airport.
They have 3 hotels in the same lot the Sheration owns them all.
ROOM PRICES: $89.99 per nite plus tax. That rate is good for friday, sat. All Suites
Ok players get your rooms(Suites) ASAP, $89.99 plus tax per nite great rate:)
Call 1-800-325-3535 ask for NE CHAMPIONSHIP 10th ANNIVERSARY.
Post here when you booked your room please.
Players if your getting here friday please call me you can coming to my room and pay your Pre-reg and Entry fee. That would really help me out if you guys can do that.
DATES: December 5th and 6th
FEES: $20 registration fee per player ... $10 entry fee per person for non-players
Tournament will be double elim 2-out-3, semi--3-out of-5-winner/loser-semi 2-out of-3, winner finals-3-out of 5/ loser finals-3out of-5
I have change a lot of entry fee so players can have some kind of money left over to do other things with like eat and party or do what ever. I think this will help the numbers in some of the smaller games to.
All the rules will be the same as all the tournament I've thrown (this will be treated like an arcade version tournament).
We will have anywhere between 2 MasSticks available for use. Other then that you can bring your own controllers. We will have between 30+ TVs available for the tournament and there will be 5 games TVs & games open for casual play.
You also can bring your own system and T.V. if you want something else to play thats not on the game list but let me know b4 hand.
SATURDAY 12/05/09 - Team Tournament
Entry Fee will be collected between 9AM and 1PM
Game Start Time: TBA
SF4 Teams 3v3
BB teams 3v3 ($125 pot bonus)
SC4 teams 3v3
TK6 teams 3v3
SATURDAY 12/05/09 - Regular Tournament
Game Start Time: TBA
SC4 -- $10 entry fee -- start time: 1pm-- PS3 (Jaxel)
Tournament will be run on the PlayStation3 Console
Double Elimination Tournament (DONT LEAVE EARLY)
Sets consist of 2/3 Matches in preliminary sets
Sets consist of 3/5 Matches in bracket-finals sets
Sets consist of 4/7 Matches in grand-finals sets
Matches consist of 3/5 Rounds in all sets
Rounds consist of 60 second time limit in all sets
Bracket will be randomized based on player regions
Winner Character Lock (cannot switch characters)
Double Blind Character Selection available by request
Random Stage Selection for first match of set
Loser's Choice for new RANDOM stage by request
All stages are currently legal for tournament play
All matches played at 100% health and soul gauge
TK6 -- $10 entry fee -- start time: ?pm -- PS3
BB -- $10 entry fee -- start time:--- ($125 pot bonus)
GGXX(AC) - $10 entry fee -- start time: 2pm -- PS2
CVS2 -- $ 2 entry fee – start time: 3pm -- PS2
3S -- $10 entry fee -- start time: 3pm -- PS2
DOA4 – $? entry fee -- start time: 7pm -- XBOX360(Hubbs)
VF5--?--start time: 6pm--XBOX360(Hubbs)
MVC2 Low Tier -- $5 entry fee -- - start time: 6pm -- DC
RULES for MVC2 Low Tier:
Banned Characters:
dr. doom
Ratio2 Characters( cannot combine a character in this list with another character in this list):
silver samurai
omega red
Ruby Heart
The rest of the characters are ratio 1
__________________________________________________ ___
SUNDAY 12/06/09 - Regular Tournament
Game Start Time: TBA
MVC2 -- $10 entry fee -- 2pm start time -- DC
STHD--$10 entry fee-- start time--Xbox360/Ps3
A3 -- $5 entry fee -- 3pm start time -- PS2
UMK -- $5 entry fee -- 4pm start time -- (Shock will run this tournament)
KOF XII -- $5 entry fee -- 5pm start time -- PS3
KI -- $2 entry fee -- 5pm start time – Bonus: I will add $50.00 to the pot.(wii) or laptop
Attn: All Those who will be attending NECX:
I will add more games to this list in the next few weeks.
MAPPING BUTTONS--shoulder mapping is allowed.
I want this to be the BEST NEC ever but i can only do it with the players help. There will be food and drinks available to purchase for cheap.
So that's it for now so for more info are to sign up just post or e-mail me eric2necphilly@yahoo.com I need your first and last name, the state your from and game(s) you will be in.
This tournament is not to make a profit but to bring the street fighter community together. The money made will go toward NEC. So anybody that wants to help out with the tournament just pm or email me. We can always use extra help, TVs, and things.
TO all players, the hotel has a strong wifi signal
Dreamcast 10th Anniversary Lookback and Reflection.

All things aside from my slight mental state that ended the marathon 5 hours early, I want to take a look back at my memories of the Dreamcast and the joy and excitement it brought me in my early adulthood. I remember reading about the Dreamcast back in my early issues of Game Informer in 1998. Having never owned a Saturn and having every attachment for the Sega Genesis I never really took a moment to think about the Dreamcast with exception to thinking that those were some very beautiful graphics.
Dreamcast Charity has Ended!
Watch live video from fightclubhubbs's channel on Justin.tv
Podcasts have returned!
Summer Jam 3 Post hype!!!!
Here are the links to the results page for every game at GVN.
DOA 3 and 4 results: http://www.doacentral.com/1/Home/tabid/36/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/32/Hatrify-wins-GVN-Summer-Jam-09-again.aspx
Street Fighter 4 and BlazBlue: http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=205495
HDremix: http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=205539
Soul Calibur 4: http://www.8wayrun.com/f5/gvn-summer-jam-2009-aug-22nd-results-t4678/
Virtua Fighter 5: http://virtuafighter.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/261616#Post261616
UFC Undisputed: http://www.ufcgamers.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8634&postcount=49
GVN Winter Brawl Footage finally released!
24 Hour Dreamcast Marathon 10th Anniversary Charity Event
Check out ASCEND's website for more Info.
ASCEND Group, Inc
What most people do not know is that I have Aspergers Syndrom. For many years growing up was difficult because of my odd behavior and social habits. I was easily picked on and ridiculed. My parents made a strong effort to get me the help I needed to control my behavior and improve my social skills. Throughout middleschool and highschool I have counselors who went out of their way to help me to improve myself. In my junior years my counseling came to an abrupt stop as the program was discontinued by the company who ran it. From then on I continued to work and improve myself. It is not 10 years since my high school graduation and I am now a happily married man with a very loving and understanding wife.
The origins of this marathon was just for fun but after watching several Speed Gamer marathons I thought it best to give the Dreamcast marathon more meaning. So I sought out a group that helps those with Aspergers and Autism. That group is ASCEND Group, Inc. I feel it is time for me to help out those who go out of their way to help people with familty members with Aspergers. So pklease join us at GVN on September 9th for what will be a memorable night.
Summer Jam is one month away!
I am going to produce a new podcast within a couple of weeks weither I have a partner or not. I would rather not go it alone, it would be rather boring.
New game added to GVN Summer Jam
Rules have been finalzed.
UFC Undisputed 2009
-Double elimination
-Default round time limit
-2/3 fights, 3/5 for winner and loser finals(semi's), 4/7 grand finals
-CAFs ae not allowed.
-Coin flip will determine weight class. Winner gets to pick class, loser gets to pick player first.
-Loser of the fight gets to pick weight class for next bout. Winner then can pick character first.
GVN Summer Jam! Aug22nd 2009

GVN and Summer Jam have merge into one kick ass event. Some games are out other are in. Blazblue and KOF12 will be added and there might be a small side MVC2 tournament. UFC has just been added to games lineup. Starting time TBA.
Door registration starts at 11am. All game starting times will be announced shortly.
Sheraton Hotel
4101A Island Avenue,
Philadelphia, PA 19153
(215) 492-0400
*Located 2 miles from the Philadelphia International Airport.
Gaming Vision Network
Hubbs' email: hubbsdoctor@gmail.com
Games(Console): Subject to change
Soul Calibur 4(PS3)
Street Fighter 4(PS3)
DOA3.1 and 4(Xbox and Xbox 360)
VF5(Xbox 360)
SFHD - (?)
3S - (PS2)
BlazeBlue - (Xbox 360)
UFC 2k9 - Xbox 360
Registration - $15, $20 if your late to venue.
DOA 3.1 - $5
DOA 4 - $10
VF5 - $10
UFC - $10
SF4 - $10
SFHD - $10
3S - $10
BB - $10
Pot breakdown for every game will be 70% for 1st, 20% for 2nd and 10% for third.
Street Fighter 4 and UFC Undisputed will have $500(for each game) for first place.
-Bring your memory card/hardrive if you want to play an unlockable character.
-BYOC. bring your own controller or arcade stick (please mark it)
-Programmable/turbo button/macro controllers/sticks are not allowed.
-Matches are 2/3, 3/5 for semi finals, 4/7 for grand finals
-3/5 (2/3 rounds for all SF games rounds)
-Double Elimination
Game specific rules:
DOA 3 & 4
-Double Elimanation
-40 second time limit
-Random level select
-Dangerzones allowed
-Life is set to Normal
Virtua Fighter 5
-45 second time limit
-Custom Characters is not allowed.
-Random Stage select
-Character Customization are banned
-Dural is banned
Soul Calibur 4
-All infinite combos banned
-Default round time
-Custom & Special Characters are banned
-Random stage select
UFC Undisputed 2009
-Double elimination
-Default round time limit
-2/3 fights, 3/5 for winner and loser finals(semi's), 4/7 grand finals
-Random weight class shall be picked via draw of the hat.*
-If you wish to play as an unlockable character, you must bring your own harddrive or memory card.
-Character that two people want to play as is banned for that fight. It would be unfair to allow one person to have to play as that character. Unless certain conditions are agreed upon by both players.* i.e. player 2 decides to play as someone else and allow player 1 to play other character.
*This should be heavily debated. Unless we should stick to one or two weight classes for the entire tournament. So as of this moment everyone should learn at least 1 character from each weight class unless we can figure out the weight class issue thing. unless there's an exhibition mode that lets us play any character against anyone despite weight.
World Cyber Games Fighter Club Weekend
Future Plans for GVN.
Also I am in the midst of planning the next GVN with my partner Eric and trying to get the footage from my dad of the last GVN. He has them saved on his Mac and has't been able to put them on a dvdrw yet. He's a busy guy.
GVN Winter Brawl Results!
The turnout was amazing with Street Fighter 4 drawing the biggest number. I want to thank Eric for hopping onboard the GVN team and helping me make this the best GVN to mate.
Below are the top 3 finalists for each game and a link to the full results.
Soul Calibur 4
Street Fighter 4
1. Marn-tx/NYC
2. Nestor-ct/ma
3. Dr. Choas-Philly
SSF2 HD Remix
1. Damdai Ryu, Ken, Cammy, Gief, Sim ect.
2. DSP DJ, Rog... ect...
3. Nohoho Blanka
SF3 3rd Strike
1. Therapist
2. Flare
3. Paul wall
1. Marlin pie
2. Marn
3. Therapist
Dead or Alive 4
1: hatrify
2: rikuto
Dead Or Alive 4 Tag
1: Hated Plague
2: Ill Matic
3: Team DGF
Dead Or Alive 3.1
1. Sorwah
2. Rikuto
3. Evil
The Dream is dead but the Soul lives on....(Dreamcast Marathon)
Here's the final list of games. It was slighty altered from what I posted earlier.
Crazy Taxi 2
Bomberman Online
Lodoss War
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Soul Calibur
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure 2
Shenmue 2
Evil Twin
Puyo Pop Fever
Chu Chu Rocket
Frame Gride
Tony Hawk 2
PowerStone 2
House of the Dead 2
Bust-a-Move 4
Quake 3 Arena
Red Dog
Jet Grind Radio
Star War Pod Racer
Star Wars Jedi Power Battle
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Mars Matrix
Worms World Party
Donald Duck Goin Quackers
24 Hour Dreamcast-a-thon!
Yep some people over at www.ihaveadreamcast.com just completed their 24 hour session last night and braodcasted it on justin.tv. Now I will do the same. Some friends of mine will come over and we will game for 24 hours, DC only, Feb 4th. Starting at 12am to 12am.
I created a channel at justin.tv, so be sure to watch our attempt at idiocy for the love of gaming.
Games to be included:
Crazy Taxi 2
Star Wars Jedi Power Battles
Star Wars Ep 1 Pod Racing
Bomberman Online
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing 2
Record of Lodoss War
4 Wheel Thunder
Marvel vs Capcom 2
House of the Dead 2
Half-life(Leaked Beta)
ChuChu Rocket
Mars Matrix
Red Dog
Quake 3 Arena
Worms World Party
Bust-a-Move 4
Dave Mirra BMX
FraneGride (JPN)
Evil Twin (EU)
Cosmic Smash (JPN)
Sonic Adventure 2
Dead Or Alive 2
Powerstone 2
Typing of the Dead
Jet Set Radio
We will attempt at least 1 game an hour with no set schedule. For now.
Aside from the upcoming GVN a bit of side news!
Check out ihaveadreamcast.com It is supposed to start at 12:01am Monday Jan 19th.