GVN is proud to hold the 2009 Winter Bash at the Sheraton Hotel in Southern Philadelphia. This time, GVN is teaming up with Big E(NEC) to make this the best and smoothiest GVN yet. And for the first time ever, you can register online in advance for the tournament.
Eric and I will be splitting duties. He will ru the 2D duties and I will run the 3D game duties.
Saturday Feb 28th, 2009
Door registration starts at 12pm. All game starting times will be announced shortly.
Sheraton Hotel
4101A Island Avenue,
Philadelphia, PA 19153
(215) 492-0400
*Located 2 miles from the Philadelphia International Airport.
Gaming Vision Network
Hubbs' email: hubbsdoctor@gmail.com
Soul Calibur 4(PS3)
Street Fighter 4(PS3)
Street Fighter HD
Street Fighter 3 3rd Strike
DOA3.1 and 4(Xbox and Xbox 360)
VF5(Xbox 360)
Tekken 5DR
Guilty Gear XX AC
Online Registration - $10(ends Feb 21st) or At the door - $15
DOA 3.1 - $5
DOA 4 - $10
SC4 - $10
T5DR - $10
VF5 -$10
GGXXAC - $10
TvS - $10
SF4 - $10
SFHD - $10
3S - $10
Don't forget to Register Online
(Rules for TvS, SF4, SFHD, GGXAC, 3S TBA)
-You are allowed to bring your own controller or arcade stick (please mark it)
-Programmable/macro controllers/sticks are not allowed.
- Matches are 2/3, 3/5 for semi finals, 4/7 for grand finals
-3/5 rounds
-Double Elimination
-Double Elimanation
-40 second time limit
-Random level select
-Dangerzones allowed
-Life is set to Normal
Tekken 5 DR
-Random level select
-Character customization is not allowed.
-Life setting is 100%
-Guard damage is off
-Jinpachi is banned
-No button mapping
Virtua Fighter 5
-45 second time limit
-Custom Characters is not allowed.
-Random Stage select
-Character Customization are banned
Soul Calibur 4
-Special Characters are banned
-All infinite combos
-Default round time
-Custom & Special Characters are banned
-Random stage select
GVN Winter Brawl information
The official announcement will come soon but for now I want everyone to know whats going on. Virtual Rush is currently in the middle of moving and doesn't have a new venue yet. In Fact they won't be open most likely when the Winter Brawl takes place. So I have taken the steps necessary to keep everything on track. Winter Brawl will take place on Feb 28th and so far it looks like it might be held at the Sheraton Hotel in Philadelphia. Its about 2 miles from the airport. I have openeed up registration so I can afford the room, so feel free to sign up ahead of time.
Online Registration for the GVN Winter Brawl
Please click the Buy Button to pay for your early registration for the GVN winter Brawl. Make sure to save and print your reciept and bring it in with you at the event.
Online registration will end Feb 21st, the week before the event.
Its $10 for online registration or $15 at the door.
VGXPO 2008 Footage and pictures.
Follow the link below for the pictures of the VGXPO. Do it or the Cylons will get you.
VGXPO photo album

VGXPO tournament results
First off this was the most horrible experience I have ever been a part of. I was promised a lot of stuff from the VGXPO people to help run this whole thing smoothly and then I got left hanging when it came to game time. I had to push back the tournament because we didn't have a ps3 with SC4 stuff or a copy of the game for that matter. We had the vgxpo staff screwing everything up from the brackets to registration to changing my rules. Once we finally got a copy tyo play I was forced to do a 44 man single elim tourney with the final 4 going into double elim to get a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place rankings.
1st KDZ - Ast, cas
2nd Hacker Mike - hilde
3rd Escaping Jail - seig
4th Jaxel - talim
5th Bibulus - voldo
5th KPC - seif, amy
5th Zack Williams - talim
5th Fred Johnson - amy, yoshi
9th Lowsweep - mits
9th Chris Copeland - ??
9th Mattho - ??
9th FightClubHuBBs - liz
9th Ryan
9th Fareed
9th Randy
9th Krisitn
17th Charlie
17th Aaron
17th Craig
17th Hudson
17th Mike Person
17th Jordan Hunt
17th Justin Fields
17th Jasmine Ezel
17th Lincoln Walz
17th Twanye Claton
17th Stephen Plasco
17th Gary Varlian
17th Black Mamba
17th Justin Moore
17th Carlos
17th Stephen Deshazo
32nd James Hughes
32nd Brandon G.
32nd Don mitchell
32nd Nicholas Miller
32nd Sarah Deleon
32nd Jeffery Hu
32nd Dylan Alexander
32nd Scott Berkeley
32nd Freddie Martin
32nd Jake Veins
32nd Lawanda Johnson
32nd Kaylan Hughes
Tekken 5 DR - 18 people
1st KPC
2nd Lance
3rd Dan
4th Spade
5th Lanci
5th Gerard
7th Justin Moore
7th Jerod
9th Stephen Plasco
9th Dion
9th Melender
9th Lee beard
12th Rich Prictchard
12th Naseth Ked
12th Joshua
12th Lorey
12th Richard
12th Cameron
1st KDZ - Ast, cas
2nd Hacker Mike - hilde
3rd Escaping Jail - seig
4th Jaxel - talim
5th Bibulus - voldo
5th KPC - seif, amy
5th Zack Williams - talim
5th Fred Johnson - amy, yoshi
9th Lowsweep - mits
9th Chris Copeland - ??
9th Mattho - ??
9th FightClubHuBBs - liz
9th Ryan
9th Fareed
9th Randy
9th Krisitn
17th Charlie
17th Aaron
17th Craig
17th Hudson
17th Mike Person
17th Jordan Hunt
17th Justin Fields
17th Jasmine Ezel
17th Lincoln Walz
17th Twanye Claton
17th Stephen Plasco
17th Gary Varlian
17th Black Mamba
17th Justin Moore
17th Carlos
17th Stephen Deshazo
32nd James Hughes
32nd Brandon G.
32nd Don mitchell
32nd Nicholas Miller
32nd Sarah Deleon
32nd Jeffery Hu
32nd Dylan Alexander
32nd Scott Berkeley
32nd Freddie Martin
32nd Jake Veins
32nd Lawanda Johnson
32nd Kaylan Hughes
Tekken 5 DR - 18 people
1st KPC
2nd Lance
3rd Dan
4th Spade
5th Lanci
5th Gerard
7th Justin Moore
7th Jerod
9th Stephen Plasco
9th Dion
9th Melender
9th Lee beard
12th Rich Prictchard
12th Naseth Ked
12th Joshua
12th Lorey
12th Richard
12th Cameron
VGXPO is only 2 days away.
As being my first expo, I am really excited to be a part of. So on friday I will walking around the expo meeting people and trying to get the GVN name out there. On saturday I will running the GVN tournaments with Dead Or Alive 4, Tekken 4 DR, and Soul Calibur 4. There will also be tournaments for Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Halo 3, And other games which will start on friday. On sunday I might walk around the expo some more and help my friends finish their tournaments. All the while I will be taking video and pictures. Hope to see you there.
GVN in Oct.
Well.... how's everything? Yeah its been a while. For starters here's what is going on. Red Dragon is working on some mini reviews for games he's been playing and I will be working on a new lost gems. Also, don't froget about the VGxpo, I will be there to run 3 ideogame tournaments with a grand prize of $350 each.
Don't forget to visit the VGxpo's official site for information on what else is going down.
Now as of this writing I am about to pop in Fallout 3. I am looking forward to playing this. It will give me a nice break from Megaman 9, Soul Calibur 4 and Warhammer Online.
Don't forget to visit the VGxpo's official site for information on what else is going down.
Now as of this writing I am about to pop in Fallout 3. I am looking forward to playing this. It will give me a nice break from Megaman 9, Soul Calibur 4 and Warhammer Online.
The Annual Review
By Hesham "Red dragon" Bahhur
In the recent times, we have begin to see more released titles, new features to next generation consoles, and gamer created ideas that are either considered or used by current developers. In my busy schedule, I managed to gather enough spare time to take a close look at some new and old titles and review them.
In the recent times, we have begin to see more released titles, new features to next generation consoles, and gamer created ideas that are either considered or used by current developers. In my busy schedule, I managed to gather enough spare time to take a close look at some new and old titles and review them.
The idea of making a full return to journalism.
As you may have noticed, the last two years GVN has spent mostly running game tournaments and not doing so much in the jouralism field. Well, with the addition of a new member, Red Dragon, I am looking to slowly return to some of GVN's roots. It's a hard trek to follow back to the begining of where everything began. But it should be worth it. So stay tuned for some more lost gem features, maybe a game review or two and some interviews as we try to make GVN more than just a videogame tournamnt scene.
VGxpo Tournament Info
The VGxpo will be running from November Friday the 21st to Sunday the 23rd. Paul has asked me to run some tournaments. I will be running 3 tournaments seprerated into 2 tournaments a day. All tournaments will be singles only since the Expo closes at 7pm Sat and 5pm Sunday
Directions and location of the VGxpo venue:
in terms of getting to the convention cetner its quite easy. Its on Arch street between 11th and 13th.
If you are taking the bus to philly take the china town bus. It will take you to the philly station which is only a few blocks from the center.
Same for people taking the train. You'll be dropped off near the Market East station, take the exit and you should be on market street. walk west to 13th street then north till you hit arch st.
You can register for each tournament online thru the VGXPO's website. Registration is not available yet but keep checking the site weekly.
Saturday, Nov 22nd
Soul Calibur 4 - PS3
Dead or Alive 4.1 - Xbox 360
Sunday, Nov 23rd
Tekken 5 Dark Ressurrection - PS3
All tournaments will start at 1pm on their specific day.
Venue fee for entering the VGxpo is $25(online registration) or $30(at the door) for a 3 day pass.
There is a prize of $500 guarenteed for each game. Tournament Entry for each game is $10 and will be broken down between 2nd(70% pot) and 3rd(30%). The %'s can change however depending on the number of participants.
1st - $350
2nd - $100
3rd - $50
Other information.
Feel free to bring extra equipment(tvs, consoles, copies of games) to help make the tournament move along quicker.
Contact information
Hubbs - [email]hubbsdoctor@gmail.com[/email]
Virtual Rush - phone number 610-565-9300
VG Expo
Directions and location of the VGxpo venue:
in terms of getting to the convention cetner its quite easy. Its on Arch street between 11th and 13th.
If you are taking the bus to philly take the china town bus. It will take you to the philly station which is only a few blocks from the center.
Same for people taking the train. You'll be dropped off near the Market East station, take the exit and you should be on market street. walk west to 13th street then north till you hit arch st.
You can register for each tournament online thru the VGXPO's website. Registration is not available yet but keep checking the site weekly.
Saturday, Nov 22nd
Soul Calibur 4 - PS3
Dead or Alive 4.1 - Xbox 360
Sunday, Nov 23rd
Tekken 5 Dark Ressurrection - PS3
All tournaments will start at 1pm on their specific day.
Venue fee for entering the VGxpo is $25(online registration) or $30(at the door) for a 3 day pass.
There is a prize of $500 guarenteed for each game. Tournament Entry for each game is $10 and will be broken down between 2nd(70% pot) and 3rd(30%). The %'s can change however depending on the number of participants.
1st - $350
2nd - $100
3rd - $50
Other information.
Feel free to bring extra equipment(tvs, consoles, copies of games) to help make the tournament move along quicker.
Contact information
Hubbs - [email]hubbsdoctor@gmail.com[/email]
Virtual Rush - phone number 610-565-9300
VG Expo
VGexpo tournaments November 21st-23rd
As it stands right now GVN has been asked to run some tournaments for Virtual Rush at the VGexpo. The VGexpo will be held at the Philadelphia Convention Center. I will Be there to run 4 tournaments split betwen Saturday Nov22nd and Sunday Nov 23rd. So far the only details I have recieed from my associates at VR is a gaurenteed $500 prize for first place. Also the pricing for getting into the expo is a 3 day pass for $25(by registering at their website) or $30 at the door. I am looking into the possiblity of that being lowere for people who only want to be there for the tournament.
In terms of getting to the convention center its quite easy. Its on Arch street between 11th and 13th in Philadelphia, PA.
If you are taking the bus to philly take the china town bus. It will take you to the philly station which is only a few blocks from the center.
Same for people taking the train. You'll be dropped off near the Market East station, take the exit and you should be on market street. walk west to 13th street then north till you hit arch st.
In terms of getting to the convention center its quite easy. Its on Arch street between 11th and 13th in Philadelphia, PA.
If you are taking the bus to philly take the china town bus. It will take you to the philly station which is only a few blocks from the center.
Same for people taking the train. You'll be dropped off near the Market East station, take the exit and you should be on market street. walk west to 13th street then north till you hit arch st.
The aftermath of GVN, in the eyes of Red dragon
By Hesham “Red dragon” Bahhur
GVN is probably the best event I’ve been to in a long time. The only event I can say that is close in terms of excitement as this would be my cousins bachelor party in the streets of iseral at 2 in the morning where we were shooting 45’s in the air. That’s another story though for another time.
The first day we left my house and made it to the house of hubbs around 6 to 6:30 pm eastern time zone. We parked in the parking lot across the street and I called hubbs and told him, “Can you step out to your front door.” All the houses on that block looked the same and the parking spots for them were behind the houses but I didn’t pay much attention at the time being.
After we were greeted by hubbs (who looks like my twin), we proceeded to his living room where me and him were showing off pictures on each of our computers. We started to do casuals at his house for a bit and we proceeded to do offline training for tomorrow’s event. We played into the early morning and then we got some sleep.
The day of the event was filled with hype, casuals, random moments, the meeting of new people, bragging, and showing of DOA 3.1 (courtesy of sorwah). If there is anything I learned from GVN, it is that people can tell the difference between which tv’s cause lag. The thing is though, I couldn’t tell the difference between the LCD’s (which were used for doa), and the tube tv’s (which were used for virtual fighter, tekken, and brawl). The hype of the event was there as soon as the people started showing up. I got to meet a lot of cool people including:
Fightclubhubbs and wife of hubbs
Dante dmc
Nikki (sweetkisses)
The first game to start off was DOA 3.1, the japenese version of DOA 3. The entry fee for this was a dollar. Since it was a cheap entry fee, I decided to jump into it and see how I would do. The tournament matches were pretty close and at the end I came in 7th place. I’m thinking top 8 isn’t too bad considering I never really played DOA 3 and I was trying to copy stuff from DOA ULTIMATE and DOA 4.
The next game that started was the Dead Or Alive 4 tag team tournament. I entered with my student, supasupakoopa. He has been training with me and H20 Tildaleaf as well as doing some self training in sparring. Either way, we kinda knew each other’s moves and we used that to dominate a good chunk of the brackets. We ended up placing in the top 5 for this one.
I didn’t really pay much attention to what games kicked off after doa4 tag, but I think the virtual fighter, tekken, brawl, and soul caliber tournament kicked off after these ones did. I watched a couple of matches and I live streamed a bit of it but it ended pretty well.
The last one to get off the ground was DOA 4 singles. I don’t understand why this one in particular took a while to get started. After it started, I got paired right off the bat against hatifry and I sent him to losers. I think he was kinda pissed off at that. After he got sent to losers and I moved onto the second round brackets, I got paired off against nikki, (sweetkisses), my friends student. I would say out of the entire tournament, the 2 closest matches were me and nikki and my student, supasupakoopa, against phoenix. Talk about epic when a match is decided by one hit. It was like watching an epic movie scene. I couldn’t describe it very well but it was close, intense, and nuts.
About 8 hours later the top 3 of each tournament were decided and most of us decided to go to a place called tom jones. It’s a diner with some good food. Im glad it wasn’t expensive because gas burned my wallet the next day. 50 dollars to fill supa’s gas tank and it was my turn to pay up for gas. Just like the first day when I left for gvn, my parents were calling my phone up and down but it wasn’t as bad. I have come to realize why that is. The reason is because that my parents were enjoying a LCD tv that they have just bought. 6 hours later and we arrived back in ohio and at my place. The only thing I was asked by my parents when they opened the door for me was “how was your trip?” Im trying to take a shot at going to Seasons beatings III, NEC9, and GVN east coast winter brawl. Looks like I’m back to where I started, but I had fun with this event and met a lot of cool people.
GVN is probably the best event I’ve been to in a long time. The only event I can say that is close in terms of excitement as this would be my cousins bachelor party in the streets of iseral at 2 in the morning where we were shooting 45’s in the air. That’s another story though for another time.
The first day we left my house and made it to the house of hubbs around 6 to 6:30 pm eastern time zone. We parked in the parking lot across the street and I called hubbs and told him, “Can you step out to your front door.” All the houses on that block looked the same and the parking spots for them were behind the houses but I didn’t pay much attention at the time being.
After we were greeted by hubbs (who looks like my twin), we proceeded to his living room where me and him were showing off pictures on each of our computers. We started to do casuals at his house for a bit and we proceeded to do offline training for tomorrow’s event. We played into the early morning and then we got some sleep.
The day of the event was filled with hype, casuals, random moments, the meeting of new people, bragging, and showing of DOA 3.1 (courtesy of sorwah). If there is anything I learned from GVN, it is that people can tell the difference between which tv’s cause lag. The thing is though, I couldn’t tell the difference between the LCD’s (which were used for doa), and the tube tv’s (which were used for virtual fighter, tekken, and brawl). The hype of the event was there as soon as the people started showing up. I got to meet a lot of cool people including:
Fightclubhubbs and wife of hubbs
Dante dmc
Nikki (sweetkisses)
The first game to start off was DOA 3.1, the japenese version of DOA 3. The entry fee for this was a dollar. Since it was a cheap entry fee, I decided to jump into it and see how I would do. The tournament matches were pretty close and at the end I came in 7th place. I’m thinking top 8 isn’t too bad considering I never really played DOA 3 and I was trying to copy stuff from DOA ULTIMATE and DOA 4.
The next game that started was the Dead Or Alive 4 tag team tournament. I entered with my student, supasupakoopa. He has been training with me and H20 Tildaleaf as well as doing some self training in sparring. Either way, we kinda knew each other’s moves and we used that to dominate a good chunk of the brackets. We ended up placing in the top 5 for this one.
I didn’t really pay much attention to what games kicked off after doa4 tag, but I think the virtual fighter, tekken, brawl, and soul caliber tournament kicked off after these ones did. I watched a couple of matches and I live streamed a bit of it but it ended pretty well.
The last one to get off the ground was DOA 4 singles. I don’t understand why this one in particular took a while to get started. After it started, I got paired right off the bat against hatifry and I sent him to losers. I think he was kinda pissed off at that. After he got sent to losers and I moved onto the second round brackets, I got paired off against nikki, (sweetkisses), my friends student. I would say out of the entire tournament, the 2 closest matches were me and nikki and my student, supasupakoopa, against phoenix. Talk about epic when a match is decided by one hit. It was like watching an epic movie scene. I couldn’t describe it very well but it was close, intense, and nuts.
About 8 hours later the top 3 of each tournament were decided and most of us decided to go to a place called tom jones. It’s a diner with some good food. Im glad it wasn’t expensive because gas burned my wallet the next day. 50 dollars to fill supa’s gas tank and it was my turn to pay up for gas. Just like the first day when I left for gvn, my parents were calling my phone up and down but it wasn’t as bad. I have come to realize why that is. The reason is because that my parents were enjoying a LCD tv that they have just bought. 6 hours later and we arrived back in ohio and at my place. The only thing I was asked by my parents when they opened the door for me was “how was your trip?” Im trying to take a shot at going to Seasons beatings III, NEC9, and GVN east coast winter brawl. Looks like I’m back to where I started, but I had fun with this event and met a lot of cool people.
GVN Summer Bash 2 results are in!
Thanks to all that came. It was a pleasure to host with the help of Paal, Elo, Naomi and Screech of Virtual Rush.

DOA 3.1 singles
1: Tom Brady
2: Evil
3: Baron of Doom
4: Hubbz
5: Sorwh
5: Low Sweep
7: Red Dragon
7: Ninjacw
9: Blacula
9: Gino
9: Escaping Jail
9: Chewy
13: Tony
13: Shisiedel
13: Cheesus Christ
13: Splash
DOA 4.1 singles
1: rabies
2: Hatrify
3: Ninjacw
4: kenny
5: cursed one
5: Smooth Kisses
7: Baron of Doom
7: deathsycthe
9: Supasnupak00pa
9: Tom brady
9: zap
9: hubbs
13: Phoenix
13: Cheesus Christ
13: Chewy
13: xszkuromizsx
17: Alithical
17: Splash
17: Tony
17: xdantedmc3x
17: Gino
17: Red Dragon
Doa 4.1 Team Tag
1: oreo experience
2: sorkuto (Sorkuto)
3: Team Jabbin Jerbils
4: deathscythe
5: Epic Win
5: Supa Red
7: Lowkuromi
7: Wife Beaters
9: Tony Gino
9: splash
Soul Calibur 4(PS3)
1: KDZ
2: Button Masher
3: Tom Brady
4: Lowsweep
5: Bibulus
5: Dantemc3
7: Ninjacw
7: Just Some Scrub
9: Jaxel
9: Pakman
9: Jprush
9: Escaping Jail
13: rabies
13: Chewy
13: Foxfire
13: Blackula
17: Hacker Mike
17: Ortiz!
17: hubbs
17: 350z
17: RyRy
17: Baron of Doom
19: flash
Tekken 5 Dark Ressurrection
1: SaveME GM!
2: RyRy
3: Incognito
4: Blackula
5: Foxfire
5: Button Masher
7: Tenstars
7: Pakman
9: Ortiz!
9: Screech
9: Elo
9: Penguin
13: Doug
13: Louis
Virtua Fighter 5
1: Dango
2: flash
3: rare entity
4: Terry Bogus
5: hubbs
5: Chefboy
7: dante
7: Blackula
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
1: Jail
2: Boog
3: UltimaScout
4: DE
5: Chewy
5: Bad

DOA 3.1 singles
1: Tom Brady
2: Evil
3: Baron of Doom
4: Hubbz
5: Sorwh
5: Low Sweep
7: Red Dragon
7: Ninjacw
9: Blacula
9: Gino
9: Escaping Jail
9: Chewy
13: Tony
13: Shisiedel
13: Cheesus Christ
13: Splash
DOA 4.1 singles
1: rabies
2: Hatrify
3: Ninjacw
4: kenny
5: cursed one
5: Smooth Kisses
7: Baron of Doom
7: deathsycthe
9: Supasnupak00pa
9: Tom brady
9: zap
9: hubbs
13: Phoenix
13: Cheesus Christ
13: Chewy
13: xszkuromizsx
17: Alithical
17: Splash
17: Tony
17: xdantedmc3x
17: Gino
17: Red Dragon
Doa 4.1 Team Tag
1: oreo experience
2: sorkuto (Sorkuto)
3: Team Jabbin Jerbils
4: deathscythe
5: Epic Win
5: Supa Red
7: Lowkuromi
7: Wife Beaters
9: Tony Gino
9: splash
Soul Calibur 4(PS3)
1: KDZ
2: Button Masher
3: Tom Brady
4: Lowsweep
5: Bibulus
5: Dantemc3
7: Ninjacw
7: Just Some Scrub
9: Jaxel
9: Pakman
9: Jprush
9: Escaping Jail
13: rabies
13: Chewy
13: Foxfire
13: Blackula
17: Hacker Mike
17: Ortiz!
17: hubbs
17: 350z
17: RyRy
17: Baron of Doom
19: flash
Tekken 5 Dark Ressurrection
1: SaveME GM!
2: RyRy
3: Incognito
4: Blackula
5: Foxfire
5: Button Masher
7: Tenstars
7: Pakman
9: Ortiz!
9: Screech
9: Elo
9: Penguin
13: Doug
13: Louis
Virtua Fighter 5
1: Dango
2: flash
3: rare entity
4: Terry Bogus
5: hubbs
5: Chefboy
7: dante
7: Blackula
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
1: Jail
2: Boog
3: UltimaScout
4: DE
5: Chewy
5: Bad
The prelog of gvn, in the eyes of Red dragon
By Hesham “Red dragon” Bahhur
When I got first word of GVN, it was in a thread on the Dead or Alive Central forums in the tournament announcement thread. I read the specs of it and I saw that it was going to happen in Media, PA. and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to try and meet some new people and hopefully have a good time. As soon as I set my mind into going, the first couple of things I did was start training more often as well as begin the talks with my parents about going.
Now I hate it when people keep telling me, “dude your 19, you can do whatever you want, your parents shouldn’t have a say in it.” Well here is the thing, my parents, unlike other parents, were born and raised in the Middle East. They are going to be stricter than the average parents because they were taught that family is the center of everything. They were taught how to raise kids to be disciplined and respectful. Then I get the “you should move out and get your own place” excuse. I got my own reasons for not moving out, but I won’t share them here.
Moving on, I jumped on the ball and got things going starting with my #1 important issues, getting there and having a place to say. Courtesy of Hubbsdoctor and some words put in from Rikuto, I got housing for myself and my friend supasnupakoopa. Supasnupakoopa also offered me transportation to the house of hubbs as long as I paid my end of gas. This is the #1 thing that is stopping some people from going to most offline competitions. People I know online have some really good skill and potential, but they cannot demonstrate it in the offline scene because of transportation, housing issues, lack of fund, etc. but you guys get the point.
The newest thing that has been offered to this tournament is the live webcast of the entire event. That’s right, using my laptop with the built in webcam and microphone as well as my Xbox live vision cam; I will be live streaming the entire event. Me and hubbs are expecting a big online audience for this. I’ve been testing this out and now I got the specs of it down and we are ready to go.
The days are winding down and the day of the event is now around the corner. I am getting the final preparations of the trip together and people are getting their stuff packed, plane tickets bought, and getting over to the venue. I hope to meet new people, learn new things about doa4 and hopefully not get my ass kicked in the first round. I say good luck to those who will make it, it will be a pleasure meeting you, and bring it on.
When I got first word of GVN, it was in a thread on the Dead or Alive Central forums in the tournament announcement thread. I read the specs of it and I saw that it was going to happen in Media, PA. and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to try and meet some new people and hopefully have a good time. As soon as I set my mind into going, the first couple of things I did was start training more often as well as begin the talks with my parents about going.
Now I hate it when people keep telling me, “dude your 19, you can do whatever you want, your parents shouldn’t have a say in it.” Well here is the thing, my parents, unlike other parents, were born and raised in the Middle East. They are going to be stricter than the average parents because they were taught that family is the center of everything. They were taught how to raise kids to be disciplined and respectful. Then I get the “you should move out and get your own place” excuse. I got my own reasons for not moving out, but I won’t share them here.
Moving on, I jumped on the ball and got things going starting with my #1 important issues, getting there and having a place to say. Courtesy of Hubbsdoctor and some words put in from Rikuto, I got housing for myself and my friend supasnupakoopa. Supasnupakoopa also offered me transportation to the house of hubbs as long as I paid my end of gas. This is the #1 thing that is stopping some people from going to most offline competitions. People I know online have some really good skill and potential, but they cannot demonstrate it in the offline scene because of transportation, housing issues, lack of fund, etc. but you guys get the point.
The newest thing that has been offered to this tournament is the live webcast of the entire event. That’s right, using my laptop with the built in webcam and microphone as well as my Xbox live vision cam; I will be live streaming the entire event. Me and hubbs are expecting a big online audience for this. I’ve been testing this out and now I got the specs of it down and we are ready to go.
The days are winding down and the day of the event is now around the corner. I am getting the final preparations of the trip together and people are getting their stuff packed, plane tickets bought, and getting over to the venue. I hope to meet new people, learn new things about doa4 and hopefully not get my ass kicked in the first round. I say good luck to those who will make it, it will be a pleasure meeting you, and bring it on.
Ladies and Gents. Your attention please.
I would like to welcome the newest member of the GVN family. Everbody give Red Dragon a warm welcome.
GVV Summer Bash 2 to be broadcast live!
A tournament first. We will be webcast the whole event live thanks to the help of RedDragon. We will broadcast select games including the finals for each one.
This is the account we will be braodcasting at:
The event will start broadcasting at around 1 or 2pm and the whole tournament will start at about 3pm. All this is in EST.
If you want to see the quality of the video watch Red Dragon and I partake in a FT10 DOA endurance match tonight at 11pm-ish EST.
This is the account we will be braodcasting at:
The event will start broadcasting at around 1 or 2pm and the whole tournament will start at about 3pm. All this is in EST.
If you want to see the quality of the video watch Red Dragon and I partake in a FT10 DOA endurance match tonight at 11pm-ish EST.
Top 10 movie based games.
Prepared to be shocked and awed people, I have compiled a top ten list of the best Movie Based Video Game adaptations ever. Some will shock you, others you may not have heard of but you will soon know that for every 8 crappy movie based games there is a diamond in the rough. This list also includes spin-offs and pseudo sequels.
10. Gremlins 2: The New Batch – NES
Damn Skippy. This little gem is not only a great adaptation but it’s even better than the movie. Gremlins 2 punt you in control of the super adorable Gizmo as he makes he way around a NYC skyscraper populated with the demonic little green buggers. The game consisted of some great platforming action in an isometric view similar to the The Legend of Zelda. It’s definitely a forgotten classic that needs reviving on the Wii.
10. Gremlins 2: The New Batch – NES
Damn Skippy. This little gem is not only a great adaptation but it’s even better than the movie. Gremlins 2 punt you in control of the super adorable Gizmo as he makes he way around a NYC skyscraper populated with the demonic little green buggers. The game consisted of some great platforming action in an isometric view similar to the The Legend of Zelda. It’s definitely a forgotten classic that needs reviving on the Wii.
GVN Summer Bash 2 @ Virtual Rush, Aug23rd
The second GVN summer Bash will be held Aug 23rd at the Virtual Rush lan center in Media, PA.
There will be a Regular and Tag Team Tournament for DOA4 and Tekken Tag. There will be a singles tournament for Virtua Fighter 5, Tekken 5 DR, Soul Calibur 4 and Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
Sponsorship has not been resolved at this time. I know we are cutting it close but we will get it resolved soon.
If you wish to add a game to the tournament and can prove that there will be number to support it then contact either myself or SOR gaming.
Contact info - hubbsdoctor@gmail.com
Registration will be at 12pm. The show will begin at 3pm. Show up at least an hour early for registration.
Alternative Transporation!
Directions by train and bus from Center city Philly.
Take the R3 train towards Media/Elwyn. Hop off the train at Elwyn station. Walk to the bus stop and take the northbound 117 bus. The next stop is to the granite run mall. Get off at the mall and walk to the AMC theatre. Virtual Rush is located behind the AMC theatre.
Venue Information:
Virtual Rush
1145 W. Baltimore Pike
Media, PA 19063
Sponsor information:
Feel free to bring additional equipment(tvs, consoles, etc). Doing so will give you 50% off entry fee.
Entry fee is subject to change depending on the awaiting info on sponsorship.
Entry fee - $10
DOA4.1 Tag $10
DOA4.1 Singles $25(might change once the sponsorship thing is settled)
VF5 $10
T5DR $10
Tekken Tag $10
SSBB - $10
SCIV - !10
Each game will roughly start at the Following times.
DOA4 tag - 3:00pm~
DOA4 Singles - half an hour after tag ends
Tekken 5 DR - 4:00~
Tekken Tag – right after T5DR concludes
Virtua Fighter 5 - 4:00
SSBM - 5pm~
SCIV - 5pm~
Basic rules
-You are allowed to bring your own controller or arcade stick (please mark it)
-Programmable/macro controllers/sticks are not allowed.
-60 second time limit
DOA Rule set:
-Best of 5 rounds/3 match points
-Finals will be Best of 5 rounds/matches
-Double Elimanation
-60 second time limit
-Random level select
-Dangerzones allowed
-Life is set to Largest
Tekken 5 DR and Tekken Tag rule set:
-Best of 5 rounds/3 match points
-Finals will be Best of 5 rounds/matches
-Double Elimanation
-Random level select
-Character customization is not allowed.
-Life setting is 100%
-Guard damage is off
-Jinpachi is banned(T5DR)
-No button mapping
Virtua Fighter 5:
-Best of 5 rounds/3 match points
-Finals will be Best of 5 rounds/matches
-Double Elimanation
-45 second time limit
-Custom Characters is not allowed.
-Random Stage select
-Character Customization are banned
Soul Calibur 4:(For PS3)
-Best of 5 rounds/3 match points
-Finals will be Best of 5 rounds/matches
-Double Elimanation
-Special Characters are banned
-All infinite combos
-Default round time
-Vader is banned
-Custom Characters are banned
-Random stage select
SSBB Ruleset:
-No 3rd party controllers
-3 stock
-2/3 sets
-3/5 finals
-8 minute time limit
-double elim
-Items off
-Final Smash off
-Ties broken by lives, then %
-Metaknight's cape glitch is banned
-Stalling is prohibited. There will be a warning, followed by a disqualification of the round if continued.
-First stage agreed upon or random
-DSR (Dave's stupid rule) - No stage may be used twice in a single set if the counter-picking player has already won on that stage.
-Match Stalling Tactics are banned. You will get only one warning. If you get caught again you are disqualified for the match.
-The following stages are banned. - 75m, Big Blue, Bridge of Eldin, Distant Planet, Flat Zone 2, Green Hill Zone, Hanenbow, Mario Bros., Mario Circuit, Mushroomy Kingdom, Norfair, Onett, Pictochat, Pokemon, Stadium 2, Port Town Aero Dive, Rumble Falls, Shadow Moses Island, Spear Pillar, The Summit, Temple, WarioWare, Inc., Yoshi's Island
Prize money will be divided as such until the sponsorship is resolved.
1st place - 70%
2nd place - 20%
3rd place -10%
There will be a Regular and Tag Team Tournament for DOA4 and Tekken Tag. There will be a singles tournament for Virtua Fighter 5, Tekken 5 DR, Soul Calibur 4 and Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
Sponsorship has not been resolved at this time. I know we are cutting it close but we will get it resolved soon.
If you wish to add a game to the tournament and can prove that there will be number to support it then contact either myself or SOR gaming.
Contact info - hubbsdoctor@gmail.com
Registration will be at 12pm. The show will begin at 3pm. Show up at least an hour early for registration.
Alternative Transporation!
Directions by train and bus from Center city Philly.
Take the R3 train towards Media/Elwyn. Hop off the train at Elwyn station. Walk to the bus stop and take the northbound 117 bus. The next stop is to the granite run mall. Get off at the mall and walk to the AMC theatre. Virtual Rush is located behind the AMC theatre.
Venue Information:
Virtual Rush
1145 W. Baltimore Pike
Media, PA 19063
Sponsor information:
Feel free to bring additional equipment(tvs, consoles, etc). Doing so will give you 50% off entry fee.
Entry fee is subject to change depending on the awaiting info on sponsorship.
Entry fee - $10
DOA4.1 Tag $10
DOA4.1 Singles $25(might change once the sponsorship thing is settled)
VF5 $10
T5DR $10
Tekken Tag $10
SSBB - $10
SCIV - !10
Each game will roughly start at the Following times.
DOA4 tag - 3:00pm~
DOA4 Singles - half an hour after tag ends
Tekken 5 DR - 4:00~
Tekken Tag – right after T5DR concludes
Virtua Fighter 5 - 4:00
SSBM - 5pm~
SCIV - 5pm~
Basic rules
-You are allowed to bring your own controller or arcade stick (please mark it)
-Programmable/macro controllers/sticks are not allowed.
-60 second time limit
DOA Rule set:
-Best of 5 rounds/3 match points
-Finals will be Best of 5 rounds/matches
-Double Elimanation
-60 second time limit
-Random level select
-Dangerzones allowed
-Life is set to Largest
Tekken 5 DR and Tekken Tag rule set:
-Best of 5 rounds/3 match points
-Finals will be Best of 5 rounds/matches
-Double Elimanation
-Random level select
-Character customization is not allowed.
-Life setting is 100%
-Guard damage is off
-Jinpachi is banned(T5DR)
-No button mapping
Virtua Fighter 5:
-Best of 5 rounds/3 match points
-Finals will be Best of 5 rounds/matches
-Double Elimanation
-45 second time limit
-Custom Characters is not allowed.
-Random Stage select
-Character Customization are banned
Soul Calibur 4:(For PS3)
-Best of 5 rounds/3 match points
-Finals will be Best of 5 rounds/matches
-Double Elimanation
-Special Characters are banned
-All infinite combos
-Default round time
-Vader is banned
-Custom Characters are banned
-Random stage select
SSBB Ruleset:
-No 3rd party controllers
-3 stock
-2/3 sets
-3/5 finals
-8 minute time limit
-double elim
-Items off
-Final Smash off
-Ties broken by lives, then %
-Metaknight's cape glitch is banned
-Stalling is prohibited. There will be a warning, followed by a disqualification of the round if continued.
-First stage agreed upon or random
-DSR (Dave's stupid rule) - No stage may be used twice in a single set if the counter-picking player has already won on that stage.
-Match Stalling Tactics are banned. You will get only one warning. If you get caught again you are disqualified for the match.
-The following stages are banned. - 75m, Big Blue, Bridge of Eldin, Distant Planet, Flat Zone 2, Green Hill Zone, Hanenbow, Mario Bros., Mario Circuit, Mushroomy Kingdom, Norfair, Onett, Pictochat, Pokemon, Stadium 2, Port Town Aero Dive, Rumble Falls, Shadow Moses Island, Spear Pillar, The Summit, Temple, WarioWare, Inc., Yoshi's Island
Prize money will be divided as such until the sponsorship is resolved.
1st place - 70%
2nd place - 20%
3rd place -10%
GVN Summer Bash 2 and future GVN events.
Wow sorry for the long silence. I promise that will change.
Really BIG freakin news. GVN summer bash 2 will be aug 23rd at virtual rush.
Paul of Virtual Rush and I had a huge discussion and here's what came out of it. VR has partnered with VGxpo and are looking to host a ton of console and pc based tourneys with them. He is also about to finish this deal with someone who will help with GVN SB2 sponsorship. Paul of VR said they are working hard on obtaining one or more sponsors for this tournament.
So now you have a date and place and a very strong reason for going. This means smaller venue/pot fees and bigger numbers for all games.
BTW the games that will be at GVN summer Bash 2 are:
DOA 4 - xbox
VF5 - xbox
Tekken 5DR -ps3
SF3 3S - ps2
Soul Calibur 4 - xbox
Guilty Gear XXAC - ps2
SSBB - wii
And to make things run smoother we will have the proper equipment(ie tube tvs for tekken crowd), extra help for running each game tourney, and half priced venue fees for those who ring extra equipment.
So keep a heads up for the final major annoucement for GVN Summer Bash 2.
Really BIG freakin news. GVN summer bash 2 will be aug 23rd at virtual rush.
Paul of Virtual Rush and I had a huge discussion and here's what came out of it. VR has partnered with VGxpo and are looking to host a ton of console and pc based tourneys with them. He is also about to finish this deal with someone who will help with GVN SB2 sponsorship. Paul of VR said they are working hard on obtaining one or more sponsors for this tournament.
So now you have a date and place and a very strong reason for going. This means smaller venue/pot fees and bigger numbers for all games.
BTW the games that will be at GVN summer Bash 2 are:
DOA 4 - xbox
VF5 - xbox
Tekken 5DR -ps3
SF3 3S - ps2
Soul Calibur 4 - xbox
Guilty Gear XXAC - ps2
SSBB - wii
And to make things run smoother we will have the proper equipment(ie tube tvs for tekken crowd), extra help for running each game tourney, and half priced venue fees for those who ring extra equipment.
So keep a heads up for the final major annoucement for GVN Summer Bash 2.
GVN East Coast Winte Brawl 2008 results
Alright people how's it going. I am back and i have the full results for DOA singles and tag, and Smash Bros Melee. I will get the full results for Tekken soon as they did not get sent to my email.
DOA Results

DOA 4 singles:
1. Perfect NinjaCW - $400 something
2. Rikuto, Baron of doom - $117
3. Offbeat Ninja - $56
4. Dave Cheppelle
5. TheHighGuy
5. Silent Legend
7. Super Elite
7. H2O Evil
9. Rabies
9. Cali Jared
9. Chosen1
9. Escaping Jail
13. Chimera Kasumi Chan
13. Dante DMC3
13. oCH3WYo
13. Zap B
15. Phoenix212
15. Sapphire
17. Master Gamer
17. Mystik
17. Belle
17. Tom Brady
17. Dr. Dogg
17. Hubbs
Tag Team results:
1. The Mr. CGS Experience - Rabies IP and Offbeat Ninja
2. The Jail CW Experience - Escaping Jail and Ninja CW
3. Lowsweep Groupie - Lowsweep and Highguy
4. The Knegros - xSuperElitex and Dave Chappelle
5. KGP - Calijared and Mystik
5. Team Cheap-Ass - Rikuto and FightClubHuBBs
6. Greatness - Chosen1 and Tom fluffy Brady
6. Team Whatever - Kasumi-Chan and Silent Legend
8. Jabbin Jerbils - Phoenix and Evil H2O
Smash Bros. Melee
1. Andrew
2. Wolfe
3. Steve
4. Schiava
5. Evil H2O
6. oCH3WYo
Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection

1 ryry
2 GM
3 spero gin
4 liquid
5 exalted
5 Brian h
7 phunnykidd
7 jtime
9 grimm
9 ling massacre
9 turkeasy
9 tyerealyst
13 matt
13 lagtastic
13 foxfire
13 arturo
17 M4xpwng
17 master of the gods
17 hoon
17 Elo
17 dr Dogg
17 Real Law
17 blood hawk
17 loc
25 isaacp
25 Penguin
25 thomas
25 tigerhobs
I want to give a big shout out of thanks to kPc, EvilH20 and oCH3WYo for helping me run the tournaments. Without your help I would've lost my mind trying to run everything by myself.
DOA Results

DOA 4 singles:
1. Perfect NinjaCW - $400 something
2. Rikuto, Baron of doom - $117
3. Offbeat Ninja - $56
4. Dave Cheppelle
5. TheHighGuy
5. Silent Legend
7. Super Elite
7. H2O Evil
9. Rabies
9. Cali Jared
9. Chosen1
9. Escaping Jail
13. Chimera Kasumi Chan
13. Dante DMC3
13. oCH3WYo
13. Zap B
15. Phoenix212
15. Sapphire
17. Master Gamer
17. Mystik
17. Belle
17. Tom Brady
17. Dr. Dogg
17. Hubbs
Tag Team results:
1. The Mr. CGS Experience - Rabies IP and Offbeat Ninja
2. The Jail CW Experience - Escaping Jail and Ninja CW
3. Lowsweep Groupie - Lowsweep and Highguy
4. The Knegros - xSuperElitex and Dave Chappelle
5. KGP - Calijared and Mystik
5. Team Cheap-Ass - Rikuto and FightClubHuBBs
6. Greatness - Chosen1 and Tom fluffy Brady
6. Team Whatever - Kasumi-Chan and Silent Legend
8. Jabbin Jerbils - Phoenix and Evil H2O
Smash Bros. Melee
1. Andrew
2. Wolfe
3. Steve
4. Schiava
5. Evil H2O
6. oCH3WYo
Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection

1 ryry
2 GM
3 spero gin
4 liquid
5 exalted
5 Brian h
7 phunnykidd
7 jtime
9 grimm
9 ling massacre
9 turkeasy
9 tyerealyst
13 matt
13 lagtastic
13 foxfire
13 arturo
17 M4xpwng
17 master of the gods
17 hoon
17 Elo
17 dr Dogg
17 Real Law
17 blood hawk
17 loc
25 isaacp
25 Penguin
25 thomas
25 tigerhobs
I want to give a big shout out of thanks to kPc, EvilH20 and oCH3WYo for helping me run the tournaments. Without your help I would've lost my mind trying to run everything by myself.
GVN Winter Brawl Venue Has Changed!
Our friends over at SOR Gaming has unfortunately gone out of business and the good people at Virtual Rush are happy to let us move GVN to their place.
For info on getting to GVN at Virtual Rush please check out these threads for more info.
DOA Central GVN Thread
Tekken Zaibatsu GVN Thread
Virtua Fighter.com GVN Thread
SRK GVN Thread
Smash Boards GVN Thread
For info on getting to GVN at Virtual Rush please check out these threads for more info.
DOA Central GVN Thread
Tekken Zaibatsu GVN Thread
Virtua Fighter.com GVN Thread
SRK GVN Thread
Smash Boards GVN Thread
Super Smash Bros. Melle added to the Winter Brawl.
Originally Super Smash Bros. Brawl was added but it was replaced with Melee when it got pushed back to March 9th. SO here are the rules, time slot and entry fee for SSBM.
Time: 3:00pm~
entry fee: $10
SSBM Ruleset:
-No wireless or 3rd party controllers
-4 stock
-2/3 sets
-3/5 finals
-8 minute time limit
-double elim
-Items off
-Ties broken by lives, then %
-First stage agreed upon or random
-DSR (Dave's stupid rule) - No stage may be used twice in a single set if the counter-picking player has already won on that stage.
-Wobbling banned
-constant excessive match stalling or running away to win a match is banned. First time is warning, second time is disqualification.
-The Ice Climber Freeze Glitch is banned
-Jigglypuff's rising pound stall is banned
-Peach's bomber stall beneath levels where she is unreachable is banned (example: FoD)
-Banned Stage List: DK Island: Kongo Jungle, Eagleland: Onett, Eagleland: Fourside, F-Zero, Grand Prix: Big Blue, Hyrule Temple, Infinite Glacier: Icicle Mountain, Lylat System: Venom, Mushroom Kingdom I, Yoshi's Island: Yoshi's Island, Past Stages: Yoshi's Island, Superflat World: Flat Zone, Termina: Great Bay
Time: 3:00pm~
entry fee: $10
SSBM Ruleset:
-No wireless or 3rd party controllers
-4 stock
-2/3 sets
-3/5 finals
-8 minute time limit
-double elim
-Items off
-Ties broken by lives, then %
-First stage agreed upon or random
-DSR (Dave's stupid rule) - No stage may be used twice in a single set if the counter-picking player has already won on that stage.
-Wobbling banned
-constant excessive match stalling or running away to win a match is banned. First time is warning, second time is disqualification.
-The Ice Climber Freeze Glitch is banned
-Jigglypuff's rising pound stall is banned
-Peach's bomber stall beneath levels where she is unreachable is banned (example: FoD)
-Banned Stage List: DK Island: Kongo Jungle, Eagleland: Onett, Eagleland: Fourside, F-Zero, Grand Prix: Big Blue, Hyrule Temple, Infinite Glacier: Icicle Mountain, Lylat System: Venom, Mushroom Kingdom I, Yoshi's Island: Yoshi's Island, Past Stages: Yoshi's Island, Superflat World: Flat Zone, Termina: Great Bay
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