
Don't Fret: New Stuff Is Coming

Just thought I'd let you guys in on a couple things. Firstly, I got a confirmation on the Bethesda interview. It's coming... and it's gonna be awesome. Robert and I are both really excited about it. Secondly, he's got us ANOTHER interview coming up soon. Stuff's just rolling in the right direction for us at the moment.

I wish I could say I was working on a new feature, but I'm really feeling worn out now. With work at Planet GameCube piling up and school stuff demanding more and more attention, I feel a little exhausted. I think I just need some R&R, though. Once Spring Break arises in the next four or so weeks, I'll get my medicine and I'll be ready to crank out some gangbusters. Fireworks, man! Fireworks!

So, until then, dear reader, keep doing your job (reading) and we'll keep doing ours (hopelessly delaying actually working, then eventually writing).


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